Use this process to conveniently square numbers near and below 100, and near and above 100:
*To square numbers near and below 100: ex. 942 = 8836
-From 100 subtract the number being squared. 100 – 94 = 6
-Square this difference. This yields the last two digits of the answer. 6 x 6 =_ _36
-Subtract the difference above from the number being squared. This yields the first digits of the answer. 94 – 6 = 88_ _
*To square numbers near and above 100: ex. 107 x 107 = 11449
-From the number being squared subtract 100. 107-100=7
-Square this difference. This yields the last two digits of the answer. ex. 7 x 7 =_ _49
-Add the difference above to the number being squared. This yields the first digits of the answer. ex. 7 + 107 = 114_ _
Try these: 922 = 8464 982 = 9604 1032 x 103 = 10609 1112 = 12321