To multiply together 3-digit numbers whose middle digits are 0: ex. 205 x 406 = 83230
-Multiply the ones digits of the numbers being multiplied. This yields the last 2 digits of the answer. ex. 5 x 6=_ _ _30
-Multiply the ones digit of the first number by the hundreds digit of the second number. To this add the hundreds digit of the first number multiplied by the ones digit of the second number. This yields the middle 2 digits of the answer. ex. (5 x 4) + (2 x 6) =_32_ _
-Multiply the hundreds digits of the numbers being multiplied. This yields the first digits of the answer. ex. 2 x 4 = 8_ _ _ _
Check these: 303 x 304 = 92112 108 x 109 = 11772
303 x 304 = 92112 805 x 903 = 726915