Obtaining the number of possible combinations of a set of elements

One may obtain the possible number of combinations of a set of elements, such as the set [A, B, C, D], which has 4 elements.

In the above case, with the number of elements being 4, we can write the answer simply as 4!, expressed as “4 factorial”.

4! = 1x2x3x4 = 24

Simply multiply the numbers from 1 up to the total number of elements being considered to derive the number of combinations possible with that number.

In the example [X, Z], we have: 2!=1×2=2      X Z, Z X

For the example [X, Y, Z], we have 3!=1x2x3=6      X Y Z, X Z Y, Y Z X, Y X Z, Z X Y, Z Y X

Try figuring the possible batting order combinations for a baseball team!!!

Author: David

I grew up near Clayton, AL and have lived over 30 years near Atlanta, GA. My interests include family, church, guitar, gardening, working with kids... and math! Life can be very interesting. My websites: chasingtrees.net mathshortcutblog.wordpress.com

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