Cracks in our Faith Foundation

Everyone sees the world in a unique way, called a paradigm. This individual perspective is the basis of our reasoning, actions, and reactions. It colors and influences how we interact in life. Faith is an important element in our lives, influencing our perception of the world. When it is built on a firm foundation, it can be a great source of strength. When things don’t add up, revealing cracks in the foundation, it is natural to seek a more solid life paradigm. That means we may limp along with a faith we know is too unsure and weak to be trusted, we can reject the faith, or we can persevere seeking a more reliable faith.

Biblical research and discoveries, especially that of the Qumran scrolls, has revealed much that could strengthen our faith. However, this knowledge isn’t being shared by church leaders. They are too busy looking for Easter bunnies and eggs to notice how it is odd we observe Jesus to be in the tomb less than three days when that is an important sign. They are too much in the Christmas spirit, preparing the sanctuary with Christmas trees and decorations dedicated to pagan gods (on their birthday), to think about how Christ’s birth is well documented to be in September. Much money is being spent to modernize the church experience when solid biblical teaching is needed. Truth is taking a back seat to Biblical error, and calling attention of church leadership to these things will get you a very cold shoulder. There are many subjects to discuss, strengthening the faith of serious students of Christianity.

When many accept Christ, especially youth, they are confronted with the inconsistencies of the message as given. Many tend to abandon Christ’s message as yet another children’s fantasy. Children’s ministry even uses fantasy to shore up perceived weak biblical stories. We spend more time talking about Santa Claus, the Easter bunny and fanciful children’s stories than we spend reviewing how God has worked with His people. When Biblical truth is known and things make sense, people gain confidence in the message and are more ready to fully live for Christ. May we see the world more clearly as Christ sees it!

The intent of these articles is to assist seekers to a firmer foundation of faith, so that we may see the world more clearly as Christ sees it.